There is a good chance this product could make your life
easier by creating a highly organized framework and schedule
for basic equipment inspections, condition based maintenance,
and both maintenance and asset management. We
tracked down (and we do mean tracked, because he was on
vacation at the time) Steve Reilly, vice president of Design
Maintenance Systems, Inc., to discuss a pretty unique piece
of software called MAINTelligence. Steve is a well-known
innovator in the reliability and condition monitoring industry
who has designed and developed systems for vibration analysis,
lube oil analysis, maintenance management systems and
operations inspection.
Can you give us a brief overview of the
MAINTelligence program?
MAINTelligence is one system that handles maintenance management,
work orders, predictive maintenance, data collection and analysis, and
asset basic care. The benefit is that it provides users with automatic
integration of what normally constitutes three separate software systems
(EAM/CMMS, PdM, and TPM/inspection systems). To the best of
my knowledge, it is the only system that brings all three together.
MAINTelligence is used in hundreds of sites worldwide, ranging from
single ships to some of the world’s largest industrial operations. It is
used to manage Asset Basic Care programs (operator-based reliability
initiatives), predictive maintenance programs and as a CMMS system.
There are several modules available within MAINTelligence. Could
you explain each one briefly?
The modules integrated within MAINTelligence are in four major areas: Asset Basic Care (inspections, operator-based reliability and lubrication
management), Integrated Predictive Maintenance (modules for
vibration data collection and analysis, lubrication analysis, thermography,
ultrasonics and process data), Diagnostics (rule-based diagnostic
system for automatic data analysis) and Asset Management (task
scheduling, work order management, parts management, purchasing)
In the last five years, the asset basic care module has generated the
most interest because it seems to generate the greatest reliability
gains in the shortest time. This module directly interfaces with Windows
Mobile™ handheld devices (MAINTelligence InspectCE) for operator
inspection and lubrication management.
The latest innovation adds further integration to the asset basic care
and predictive maintenance areas, an interface from our MAINTelligence InspectCE handheld to a digital output accelerometer. This allows
operators to collect time waveform and spectral vibration data
while conducting their inspections.
What sets MAINTelligence apart from other Asset Management software/
A typical CMMS is not so much a maintenance tool as a work order accounting
system. Data is recorded in the CMMS for cost management,
not to monitor or improve the reliability of the assets.
In designing MAINTelligence, my primary objective was to create a
framework that incorporated the CMMS aspects, (collecting costs and
allocating resources). However, our customers made it apparent that
there was demand for more focus on the management of predictive
and inspection based maintenance data, along with standard corrective
and preventive maintenance work orders. Thus, MAINTelligence differs in that it provides both CMMS and integrated asset reliability
Many times the data in a CMMS can be collected
but not acted upon. How does
MAINTelligence overcome this problem?
MAINTelligence information is considerably
more active and relevant to condition of the
asset than the information found in most
CMMS databases. Inspection and lubrication
work, which often comprise a high percentage
of the total number of work orders in a
CMMS, are handled more like predictive
maintenance rounds. This greatly reduces
the total number of work orders
in the system, and makes it much
easier for operators and lubrication
technicians to both complete the
actual task and to record the results
of the inspections.
The major problem with predictive
maintenance (PdM)
programs is that data is
collected, but recommendations
for proactive
never get turned
into actual work
orders. By integrating
both asset
basic care and predic- tive
maintenance findings directly into the maintenance
task schedule, work from PdM procedures
is automatically generated, just like
time or meter-based PM tasks. This allows
maintenance planners to handle all tasks the
same way, no matter what their origin. The
significance of this is that maintenance schedules
can automatically change based on the
inspected or measured condition of the asset.
And it doesn’t have to just be MAINTelligence as the CMMS – we have interfaces to many
other ERP and EAM systems that allow us to
trigger work orders automatically.
What types of industries are currently using
Our largest number of customers is in the pulp,
paper and wood products sector, but we have
a significant number of customers in utilities,
mining, petrochemicals, discrete manufacturing,
transportation and the military.
What kind of impact can MAINTelligence have
on overall plant and machinery reliability?
What kind of cost savings can a company expect
from using MAINTelligence?
First of all, its important to understand that
technology is only an enabler—technological
solutions like MAINTelligence will not have any
effect if the management and organizational
cultural do not support a reliability initiative.
Also, cost savings vary from operation to operation
(your mileage may vary!) A couple of
examples show the reliability improvements
and cost savings that can be expected.
A refinery in Memphis, TN, has reported
the following results usingMAINTelligence:
MTBF for rotating equipment
improved from 42 months to
53 months, reduced unplanned
maintenance from 80% total
maintenance expense to 15%
total maintenance expense,
KPI on pumps has improved
61% and a documented
savings of $1 million
dollars in maintenance
At a pulp and paper
mill in Louisiana
in early 2004, after
overcoming some initial resistance,
both MAINTelligence-based asset
basic care and a predictive maintenance program
were implemented. Mechanics’ inspections
generate approximately 300 corrective
work orders per year that have improved the
overall stability of the manufacturing process.
By June 2005, the integrated reliability program
was credited with a 20% ($30 per ton) reduction
in maintenance costs. This happened
at time when paper mills had been shutting
down due to high operating costs and oversupply.
Plant personnel achieved the cost
reductions by embracing the integrated
reliability concept and the culture of selfdiscipline
that it implied.
What size of an operation does
it take to justify purchasing
Our customers range from
some of the world’s largest
operations, such as
the POSCO steel mills in
Korea, to some relatively
small operations like
Aquarium of the Pacific in
Long Beach, CA.
Although we spend a lot of our time dealing
with very large corporate installations, I often
think the small operations actually get more
“bang for the buck” from MAINTelligence.
For a smaller operation, a single investment in MAINTelligence can be turned to many different
uses – it can be used as a CMMS, a vibration
analysis system, a lubrication analysis tool, an
asset inspection system, an electric motor
tracking system, and many other applications.
Large operations tend to use MAINTelligence
as a point-specific application – they acquire it
to implement a specific program. |
